fair maiden
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / twabs

Context 34
Elmincár And seventy worlds and seven hundred words is not enough: how could it be for anyone?
Maotic river speech
Proto-* pronounced /ˈpɹoto stɑɹ/ or /ˈpɹoto 'æstəɹɪsk/
Weyötiss An alternate vistorie of Modern Greek


I would not call myself a good conlanger, since I have neither the education nor experience. But I'd like to offer what I think is some good advice anyway.

1. Pronounced /kɑxjʌk/, for some approximation of /x/.
2. Source: Arka
twabs read more (17763 bytes) · 7 years ago

Ex foris

? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
<Cev> Legion tortures bacteria in his spare time.
<Barsuga> His entire body is filled with sadistic cells to torture bacterias
<Whimemsz> (terrorist cells)

<pharazon> are the priests attractive tho
<ntyler2> depends on age and other factors
<ntyler2> I know of at least 3
<ntyler2> then Catholic priests have the added danger in that they might be gays who are trying to have an excuse not to get married
<pharazon> can't spell cassock without ass and cock

<Smaug> btw a few minutes ago a guy walked in and was halfway to the bathroom before he stopped, turned around, and said "hey, where's the bathroom?"
<Smaug> I said "it's over there" without indicating a direction and he turned around and walked straight there

<Radius> hmm, what would be Florida Man's superpower
<Barsuga> meth

<Play> though Im nowhere near finished because i still have to come up with a way to say all manner of things like "you, a girl" in one word like I do with Poswa
<Barsuga> me, an intellectual

<Izambri> In front of the house there's one of the tallest flagpoles in the world.
<miekko> imagine if the pissing contest became focused on the size of the actual flag
<miekko> once you have something that is like a football field up there
<miekko> that thing can actually cause some havoc if things go wrong
<miekko> so that's a thing we probably should get them to do

<Izambri> I can confirm that ancient Catalans were obsessed with penises.
<pharazon> (Izambri's mother is very old)

<Barsuga> Let's make a movie
<Barsuga> It's about a gay bar planning to steal the gay bomb
<Barsuga> To detonate on their dance floor
<Whimemsz> can the name of the movie be The Gay Agenda
<Barsuga> The subtitle will be "It's a gay bomb, baby"
<Smawg> what will the gay bomb do to a gay nightclub
<Barsuga> Smawg : Stimulate them sexually
<Barsuga> The heist crew will be like Ocean 11, except it's the Village People

<Legion> doing your taxes? suddenly there's a dick in your mouth

<barsuga-phone> I remember once when I was a kid
<barsuga-phone> We were eating outside
<barsuga-phone> And then a wasp came by and landed in my plate
<barsuga-phone> And flew away carrying a whole grain of rice
<barsuga-phone> Pretty solid loot for a wasp

<Smaug> I have made a purchase
<Smaug> all twelve issues of HERCULES UNBOUND
<Barsuga> wouldn't the book be better if it was bound

<totopochtli> can you measure gayness with physics?
<Barsuga> Density of hardons
in thread: Quote Thread
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
<Smawg> I've had lunch next to this thing
<Smawg> looks stupider in person
<pharazon> i like the cube
<Smawg> pharazon did you get the rona too
<Smawg> for you have no taste

<kaakitwitaasota> we are now learning about how political systems are reflected in musical texture
<twabs> what's the musical texture of anarcho-capitalism
<kaakitwitaasota> polyphony, where one line is pink floyd and the other line white power metal

<ayyub> I need to become a better interior decorator
<ayyub> now that I have Space
<pharazon> try sucking a dick

<tiramisu> from what I gather, Gen Z is more into amateur porn via Snapchat, OnlyFans, Reddit, etc
<Smawg> yes
<Smawg> they've had all the regular stuff
<Smawg> and nudes/slutty selfies made *for you* are pretty great
<Smawg> these new services let the young people get a simulacrum of that
<Barsuga> or just get laid
<Barsuga> u losers
<Smawg> we're talking about porn here
<Barsuga> getting laid is like VR porn
<Barsuga> Make your own adventure porn

<Cev> All the old neolithic cave paintings of "animals" are really just racist caricatures of Far Tribe

<CUM_SIURAN> Cevf: let's play cowboys and indians. I'll be network engineer Raj Patel
<Cevf> Ques; Ok. I'll be the Minotaur, bastard son of Pasiphae!

<Cov> So tired and hungry
<@Legion> eat a bed

[11:58:26 am] <Barsuga> also every thought is a real object
[11:58:49 am] <Barsuga> and you can buy mine for the low low price of $9.99
[11:59:05 am] <twabs> I would like to buy your thoughts
[11:59:14 am] <twabs> but I can only offer a penny
[11:59:27 am] <Barsuga> Well let me see what I have in the bargain bin
[11:59:46 am] <Barsuga> It's a remake of Transformers but they transform into trees
[12:48:18 pm] <Barsuga> I have another idea for sale
[12:48:27 pm] <Barsuga> it's a clown shoe with a fleshlight in it

<totopochtli> !gpt who do you fancy more, twabs or pharazon?
<Naima> There's no contest, I definitely prefer twabs! They're just so much more fun and easy to talk to.
<pharazon> :-[
<pharazon> tfw asimov didn't add a 4th law about not breaking hearts 😧

<Smawg> !gpt what if there were ten clones of Hitler
<Naima> It would be a disaster! There would be mass genocide and worldwide chaos. Thankfully, there are only four known clones of Hitler, and they are all safely contained.
in thread: Quote Thread
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
<Barsuga> please help sometimes my inner monologue sounds like Seinfeld

<Whimemsz> so my parents just got back from Australia
<Whimemsz> apparently one person asked them "is it true you Yanks have the water go the other way in your toilets?"
<Whimemsz> and another person asked them, in all seriousness, if the sun rose in the east or the west in America

<Legion> new study reveals everything ever bad for you
<twabs> new study reveals that all of existence is suffering
<twabs> and that only by following the eightfold path can one achieve nirvana
<twabs> etc
<Legion> study paid for by Big Karma

<Legion> my favorite projection is dymaxion
<Barsuga> My favorite type of projection is ascribing my own flaws to others
<Legion> shouldn't you say that's someone else's favorite then

<Radius> ah nice, almond is cognate to amygdala
<Radius> who is the queen of naboo, iirc

<Cev> I propose the wiccan model
<Cev> You can get an abortion but then some random person somewhere else in the world has to get pregnant
in thread: Quote Thread

fair maiden
last seen: 4 months ago
posts: 228
Conversational Speaker

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