Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Šaol / Salanjan / Anaşa Salanja / Anaşa Salanja Dictionary / moşuo

moşuo, v. to liberate, grant freedom; to break someone out of their shell

usage: The secondary definition is in fact the original, derived from saurian eggs hatching; if the young cannot break through the shell, it will eventually die of starvation. This metaphor runs throughout Salanja parables, folktales, and established itself in more formal literature (both prose and poetry) across the Regil Plain. Moşuo itself gained the additional meaning 'save' in early Imperial times, in contrast to earlier šalu, as a result of the unrest following the delivery of the speech known as Şerau Teršelainja.

related: šalu
tags: Verb, Literary Metaphor