Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Šaol / Salanjan / Anaşa Salanja / Anaşa Salanja Dictionary / Hanjušol

Hanjušol, n. The supreme evil of the Salanjan mythos. Not the creator of Šaol, but by far the most significant influence on it. Salanjan myths regarding their origin tell that he found the world deep in the past, and bent it to his will, going so far as to imbue the planet, creating magic to increase his mastery over the world. This proved to be his undoing, as a group of his offspring known as the Aqaŋučali, created partially by the magic he set loose, rebelled against his cruelty and iron control, honing the ancestors of the Salanja among others into warriors for the titanic struggle. Following his defeat and using the magical force he had created, the Aqaŋučali imprisoned him with unbreakable bonds in a vast cavern below the sea, which they then sent 'far away.'

related: Hulmounuo
tags: Noun, religion