Grammatis Qaghan
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / Cev

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? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
<Coov> So what film-franchise-that-already-has-a-bunch-of-direct-to-dvd-sequels-that-nobody-talks-about do you think could best do with an ignores-all-the-other-sequels sequel to the original?
<Coov> coz I think it could be done with Land Before Time. maybe.
<@pharazon> agreed
<@pharazon> they could finally get to the Land During Time

<Barsuga> I always wonder how much of the bullying on TV is bowlderization
<Barsuga> In my experience you never really got swirlies or noogies or wedgies
<Barsuga> They just kicked you
<Barsuga> and called you a faggot

<Barsuga> Mb he has tenure
<Barsuga> but then again he's just a student
<Smawg> student tenure
<Smawg> that's where you threaten to tell the newspaper that the head of your department raped you

<Barsuga> why do the racists want us to kill the blacks when the Macedonians are the inferior race

<@vlad> we're not supposed to use <b></b> anymore, we're supposed to use <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>
<@vlad> that's better somehow

<Barsuga> People talk about biases for longitude and latitude for maps of the earth
<Barsuga> but what about altitude
<Barsuga> Why are we mapping the surface of the earth
<Barsuga> seems like what surface dwellers would do
in thread: Quote Thread
? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
RIP Laoshu
RIP ApolloLegend
in thread: The Graveyard
? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
Forgot to clear my log so half of those are repeats I guess OH WELL.
in thread: Quote Thread

Grammatis Qaghan
last seen: 8 months ago
posts: 80

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