The Cold Frontier
Beneath the hurtling moons of Minaere
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Rireinuverse / Rireinu: the flowering worlds / Daughters of Ano / The Cold Frontier

Minaere, or Ano III, is the other planet within the Tareyuka zone of Ano. As can be expected, it is miserably cold. Temperature hardly ever rises above +25°C. Half the year, practically the entire planet is covered in snow. There are no native land animals. The seas teem with trilobites and cartilaginous fishes. The most advanced land life is half-metre tall mosses and ferns.

Rireinu life forms adapted to the challenging climate have been spreading over the land areas of Minaere in the 150 years since the first manned landing in 2613ye. The region around Yuturire, the provincial capital, already looks rather similar to some small towns in the deep north of Rireinu.

Administratively, Minaere is a province of Rireinu the nation. Its population was 15,203,125 in the 2761ye. census. The population of Yuturire, the capital, was 731,004.

Minaere has two small moons, Peko and Kohu.

The day of Minaere is 10ru98 (24h 36min) long.

The year of Minaere is 490.43 local days or 538.60pa. or 1.6255 Rireinu years (503 Galactic Standard Days) long.