<!>Is English in the early stages of losing pronoun case and verb concordance? (2014-09-30 08:43:53)
Is English in the early stages of losing pronoun case and verb concordance?
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Terra Firma / Is English in the early stages of losing pronoun case and verb concordance? / <!>Is English in the early stages of losing pronoun case and verb concordance? (2014-09-30 08:43:53)

? Radius C / 2π
posts: 113
, Hydrogen, United States

There's also the infamous "Me and him went to the store", which is the default construction for everyone but pedants by now.

Gods it's been a long time since we discussed this, but the short version is the object pronoun forms are also nouns; I remember that Zompist was a stick in the mud on the issue and wouldn't be convinced (surprise surprise) by any heap of evidence shown to him, I want to say by Radius? My recall of any more details is nonexistent.

Probably not me, unless I was on the stick-in-the-mud side. How y'all can find that usage acceptable - though I accept that it is happening - is just bizarre to me. Pharazon is the only person I know IRL who even uses it. I realize that legit language change etc etc., but to my ear it nevertheless makes people sound like they're still six years old.

I grew up having been taught a rule - it was not presented as a rule of grammar, but rather as a rule of etiquette - that it was rude and selfish-sounding to list onesself first in a multi-person list (if non-ordered, I assume), much the same way that you are not supposed to deal yourself the first card after shuffling. I remember kids in grade school getting told off for it.