Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Archaeron / Naisylvan Culture / Fashion

Naisylvan fashion has undergone constant redevelopment and revolution throughout recorded history. However, a few constants remain. Noble sylphs tend to prefer thin, light fabrics, often in layers. Most Naisylvan garments incorporate flowing, soft curves. As in most things, noble sylphs use complex color schemes of subtly differing shades in their clothing.

Two elements have remained largely constant with Naisylvan fashion. An outfit called a ‘folemast’ (Roughly, merchant’s gown) is appropriate for most formal wear and has changed very little since the Great Wars. It consists of a two-layered robe with a clean-cut waistcoat over it. In addition, every Mallered and Nordised owns a stole of office in the standardized colors of his or her College. These are considered a very important tradition and have survived entirely unchanged from their first recorded mention. Mallered and Nordised stoles are typically worn in very formal ceremonies, to religious services, and when teaching.