<!>Anthologica Diplomacy -- Winter Edition (2014-11-28 03:15:38)
Anthologica Diplomacy -- Winter Edition
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Anthologica Diplomacy -- Winter Edition / <!>Anthologica Diplomacy -- Winter Edition (2014-11-28 03:15:38)

? Anguipes The Great Whore That Sitteth Upon Many Waters
posts: 45
, Novice Speaker message
Awesome, let's have a united Catholic Europe under the banner of Fr... oh shit I'm Turkey.

Edit: Advance warning, over the weekend I will be catching up on a bit of Uni stuff and won't be around IRC much.  I won't be avoiding it altogether, but don't count on me being there.  If you want to be sure-er-ish, send a pm and hope Antho doesn't eat it.