Azorean Dictionary
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Miscellanea / Azorean / Azorean Dictionary

Word of the Day: uwa
fn. grape
aka fn. water
akiła fn. sheep
amiʔu mn. friend
arbar mn. tree
awalus mn. grandfather
balaŋŋus adj. white
baɲɲaʒa v. sell
bas mn. cow, cattle
batus adj. old
binu nn. wine
biŋinti num. twenty
birdʒis adj. green
buka fn. mouth
damus mn. house
daŋus mn. master, lord
duwas num. two
dʒaʔa num. ten
faratʃar mn. brother
farmiʔa fn. ant
fiʎus mn. son
hal mn. sun
harar fn. sister
iła fn. island
iʒa v. to go
kafí mn. coffee
kan mn. bread
kasaʒa v. hunt
kaskis mn. fish
katra num. four
katʃar mn. father
kinka num. five
kukus mn. cup
lak mn. milk
lana fn. wool
librus mn. book
luna fn. moon
łamaʒa v. to call
łar mn. flower, blossom
matʃar fn. mother
muʎar fn. woman
nawa num. nine
nawis fn. ship
nawus adj. new
nirus adj. black
ɲis fn. snow
rana fn. frog
ruŋa fn. street
ʃahtʃa num. seven
ʃas num. six
ʃaʒa fn. saw
taʒás num. three
tʃa mn. tea
tʃasta fn. head
tʃaʒa fn. earth
unus num. one
uwa fn. grape
wahta num. eight
wału nn. eye
wama mn. man
wat conj. or
wawała fn. sheep
yasa v. to be
yat conj. and
ʒa adv. already
ʒas mn. king
ʔalu nn. sky, heavens
ʔantu num. hundred
ʔaɲis mn. dog
ʔatus mn. cat

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