The Uplands
The Heart of Shorrag
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Maikros / The Ansu Continent / The Uplands

The Uplands, nestled in western Shorrag up against the Neshechon Mountains, are the breadbasket of Shorrag and its political and religious centre. There are various crops farmed there, such as taro, cassava, beans, and mangoes. There are no beasts of burden, so native farming practices all involve manual labour. The capital city of Nokolzhan lies in this region, from which the Council of Archpriests rules Shorrag. The people of the uplands are known to generally be urbane - even the peasants, to a degree. While all of Shorrag is religious, the uplanders tend to be especially so, and particularly knowledgeable about their religion, what with having easier access to clergy and scripture.