<!>Quote Thread (2016-06-24 22:20:42)
Quote Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Quote Thread / <!>Quote Thread (2016-06-24 22:20:42)

? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
I'm gonna post the pastebin here

<guitarplayer> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7PiZ9NDX44
<Cev> Remember when Salmoneus said that this was probably the most popular and well-remembered song from this movie?
<Legion> Salmoneus is basically Typical Mind Fallacy Man
<Legion> bitten by a radioactive autist, he has all the powers of not realising other people are not him

<Slereah> Why don't they arrest everyone with a weird name in Gotham City
<Slereah> If you are called Strange
<Slereah> Bam
<Slereah> Straight to jail

<pthag> is this like how that thread was changed from 'no sirdanilots' to 'everyone is welcome'
<pthag> which universal love was only made possible by the casting of sirdanilot into thr desert
<pthag> and providing us with a salutary example of how people stop being people when u dont let them in
<Cev> The hungry gods must be appeased.
<Zayk> Hungary has gods?
<CUM_SIURAN> lol not anymore #christianizedMotherfucker

<@vlad> I didn't realize we had more than one species of ibis
<Cev> Why are your birds all gigantic, vlad?
<@vlad> island gigantism?
<Cev> I think Australia might be too big for that
<@vlad> maybe that's also island gigantism

<miekko> the thing where the bride throws a bouquet, and whoever catches it is fated to be next, we should extend that to funerals too

<Cev> My birdfeeder was empty for a day or so
<Cev> I'm afraid that all the birds saw it was empty and figured it'd be empty forever now and so went 200 miles east or something
<Smaug> word gets around fast in the birdmunnity
<Cev> I might have to start a whole new flock from scratch!
<Yatalac> Smaug, yeah they use twitter

Zayk: That door is shaped like a vagina.
Legion: That may or may not be intentional.
Legion: There's allegedly a lot of hidden sexual symbolism in 2001.
Cev: The vagina symbolizes the fact that the director faked the Moon landing.

guitarplayer: As a german, i find it very strange anyway that americans plaster everything with their flag
YaaliAnnar: Germany is going to the other extreme.
guitarplayer: Some people at least, yeah.
guitarplayer: During the soccer world championship, leftists even tore down flags that people had put e.g. on their cars to show support for and pride in the national team.
YaaliAnnar: Waving Bundesflagge  wouldn't raise der Führer from his grave.
YaaliAnnar: (You need to wave the Hakenkreuz flag for that)

<Cev> This prose is many-fauceted indeed.

<Cev> Sulu kinda has buff arms in this
<Slereah> Well, how else do you attract gay men
<Radius> by bending over

<Slereah> I have always said
<Slereah> If you can't use a public bathroom
<Slereah> The most effective protest is shitting your pants


<Slereah> Oh no
<Slereah> That bad guy can transform into poison gas
<Slereah> I shall call him Zyklon Ben