Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Ye Placys off ye Worlde & ye People wha Live Yereyn / Zhjumna


Big mountains. To the west is the Swamp Continent; to the east are the Rau, probably.

Cultures and states

- Kangshuic Institutional Tengrism / Rauic Qapi-Mongkoushism
- Amqolic

Linguistic typology

- Tone (usually word-level) is common in Kangshuic and has spread to some Amqolic languages, although Amqoli itself retains
- Zhjumna shares with the eastern part of the Swamp Continent a fondness for initial consonants and a horror of final ones. Amqoli allows almost any initial CC- cluster and many CCC- ones, but only -RC -PF finally; Kangshi hardly allows word-final consonants at all.
- Uvulars, retroflexes, and in Kangshuic relatively large vowel inventories