Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / warbear

Tawara A center of one of the biggest Hyperspace Clusters, Tawára is an important transport knot and in fact the financial, scientific and cultural capital of more then a hundred worlds.

Ex foris

? warbear posts: 2
, Foreigner, St Petersburg, Russia
quoting Rhetorica, Kelatetía: Dis, Major Belt 1:
I'm aware of this issue, but sorting it out means triggering a whole bunch of cascading updates, a little like pulling a Jenga block out of the bottom of a very tall and precarious tower. The lesson: never install OpenSuse for any reason.

Not that I have ever had the slightest idea of what OpenSuse is. What do I do to upload my avatar?
? warbear posts: 2
, Foreigner, St Petersburg, Russia
Avatar problems
Every time I try to upload an avatar I recieve an error message. What should I do?
And yes, it's still impossible to write to Rhetorica.

last seen: 4 years ago
posts: 2

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