Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Danteyl Dainunt

Danteyl Dainunt, arq. The main road running from Ruvai Barnusa to the Northern Moors, where it disappears. It leaves the capital through its eastern gate, sharing the path with the Eastern Road (Danteyl Centunt) for a few miles until it turns to the north, to reach the Glavi. Then the road goes in an eastern direction, always with the feet of the mountains at its left, until it meets the Bis ed Ertzellan. There it turns north to meet Isterna, crossing the river Alezant, and continues towards the north until it meets Muracanthacanth, the last urban settlement of the Northern Moors.

etymology: From danteyl "road" + dainunt "northern".
related: Isterna, Muracanthacanth, Öggyan Dainunt, Ruvai Barnusa, Rhearyr er Dainë
tags: infrastructure, road