Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Irmyr ar Ölsössàs

Irmyr ar Ölsössàs, hyd. The Seas of Sight, the two inner seas in eastern Dhammarat. The seas are Sautha, to the north, and Ölautna, to the south, and they're separated by a narrow strip of land, where the city of Arhignopsa sits.

etymology: Literally, "seas of the sight", from irmyr "seas" + ar "of the" + ölsössàs "sight".
related: Arhignopsa, Bardunnat, Dansauthes, Offecne, Ölautna, Sautha, Varsauthes
tags: geography, sea