Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / military

The following dictionary entries are tagged military:

acrai n. sword.
corínus n. commander, general, warlord
corópus n. war horse, battle horse
corucornun n. war horn, bugle
corus n. war
duchten n. lead, command (army, troops); campaign
duchti n. campaign (military)
duscorus n. war (not fought according to the rules)
failun n. club (weapon)
foyus n. fight, battle
porri n. piercing, penetration.
solften v. take, seize.
tunten2 v. cut; injure, wound.
ucimun n. practice, training, study.
uciten v. study; train, practice.
uciti v. studying, study, training, practicing, practice.
unten v. take.