Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / economy

The following dictionary entries are tagged economy:

adaimun n. undertaking, enterprise
ampulliten v. fulfill; satisfy.
comachten v. to gather, bring together; (refl.) to meet, gather, assemble.
comachti n. meeting, gathering, assembly; public event; market, fair; crowd
daichor n. produce, (piece of) work, product, make.
dailiten v. share, divide
dailus n. part.
dónu n. tax, tribute
dótor v. giver, donor
fida n. gap; difference, disparity; disagreement
forus n. harvest, yield
marcatun n. market; market-place, market-hall
medin n. middle, half.
naudi n. lack
pardailiten v. to divide.
pecunus adj. rich
polli n. fullness, plenty; multitude; quantity, amount
rati n. number, amount, total, reckoning, bill, tab.
ratus n. number.
réten v. count, reckon, think (opinion).
scríften v. write.
solbeten v. hold, keep.
uf prep. around; about; circa.
unten v. take.