Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / adverb

The following dictionary entries are tagged adverb:

aini adv. only
ampula adv. enough; fully, satisfactorily, totally, completely
auc adv. again
auchté adv. usually, normally, habitually
austar adv. at dawn, (early) in the morning.
caidinai adv. today
caiwitar adv. this year
cówisto adv. at once, immediately
culligai adv. together
epar adv. back, backwards.
híman adv. during winter
móli2 adv. with trouble, hardly, barely
nepadu adv. never
newo adv. again
adv. now
pil adv. very, very much
plés adv. more
polu adv. often, frequently
pormai adv. at first, orginally.
prócai adv. early.
protar adv. before, earlier.
sam adv. together
súlai adv. behind, in the back
súlu adv. to the back, backwards.
tér adv. there.
tóci adv. so, that way; yes.
tunnu adv. rarely, sparsely, seldom.
uddar adv. below.