Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / location

The following dictionary entries are tagged location:

an prep. in, into
antar prep. between, among
ap prep. from, off, since
car prep. inside, in the middle of
culligai adv. together
cuntai prep. along; in accordance with, after.
dexus2 adj. right (opposite to left)
eftar prep. after, behind.
efterus adj. next (in a line / sequence), following; (in cpds.) back
eftumus adj. last (in a line / sequence), ultimate
epar adv. back, backwards.
es prep. out (of)
estar prep. outside of, without
medin n. middle, half.
medis adj. middle, mid-.
par prep. through, across
prai prep. at, near.
praicus adj. near, close.
pró prep. (+ acc, loc) before, in front of; (+ dat) for.
proterus adj. front; previous, preceding, last
protumus adj. foremost, first.
sam adv. together
súlai adv. behind, in the back
tér adv. there.
uf prep. around; about; circa.