Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean / zoology

Common and technical terms related to animals, as well as generic names of animals or animal families.

The following dictionary entries are tagged zoology:

agn n. head.
anthiu n. fowl.
areln n. bird.
artige n. spider.
caul n. mouth, throat, gorge.
cest n. head; chief, boss, leader; cape, headland.
flaule n. feather.
igre n. partridge, pheasant, junglefowl.
marbe n. molar tooth.
nogla n. throat.
öl n. eye.
opsa n. face, visage, countenance; mask.
oridh n. snake.
rrausei v. to crow.
sagol n. finger.
zimmun n. nipple.