Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Amqolic / Amqoli / Gamnux

(-lu–khu) (kra–shc) (she–zuz)
Word of the Day: pshke
v. punch
-lux vaf. Intentional causativizer.
-mod vaf. Causativizer.
a v. have
amx adj. other
ari v. accumulate, take up, gather
azar ni. name
ba v. give
bar v. blue
bara na. father
barji ni. a few (takes POS)
batu ni. effort
bdza adj. far, distant
bega v. work
bgul na. man
bjila adj. low (of land)
blex v. stab
borgu v. destroy
bqeli ni. plates, dishes
bqu na. cave, dwelling
buzhi v. be drunk
bzhashamnux v. exile
bzhga v. deliver
bzhgeri na. sky, weather
bzhgu v. command, rule over, order around
chalyar na. horse
charox ni. magic
chiha v. rain
chihashti ni. cloud
chihashtibzh adj. cloudy
chke ni. south
chubish nm. land
chxem ni. tree
chxo ni. table
damgu ni. penis
dloq v. to sit cluelessly, obstruct, be an obstacle through lack of wits
dqera na. animal
drashe v. know
dzara v. intend, plan
dzasi v. blink, react, notice
dzera ni. heaven
dzexa ni. honor
dzgata ni. hundred
dzrelya v. appreciate
dzu v. make
elx ni. ear
es conj. marker of es q- absolute construction — es ...
ga ni. what?
gam v. learn
gamnux na. dictionary, encyclopedia
gamri v. venerate, worship, see as holy
gamu adv. well
gandzi ni. codpiece, patch, cover
gartu ni. path, way
garu v. be like (serial)
geli v. please, be liked by
gema nm. grass
gendri v. be cold
genma ni. star
gepha v. say, mention
gora ni. shit
goru v. mark, label
gorxa ni. knife
gqame adj. east
gqeza adj. happy
gram na. place
grut adj. old
guryu v. be hot
hagru v. wash
hagu ni. water
halji v. lie, sit
ham conj. but
hamash adj. large, big
haqshi ni. food
harx ni. beard
hasi na. eye
haz v. be called
hele ni. north
henmxaz adj. bad
herka v. jump
imb adj. gray
imra ni. air
izqa nm. malodor, foul stench, bad smell
jagu v. shit
jam v. walk
jamgu v. be hungry
jdul adj. old
ji ni. here
jichxi ni. product, demand, goods
joma v. sift, pan, filter, stratify
jonduri ni. difference, level, class, status
juhi v. buy
kadu adj. flat, straight, simple
keda nm. most, the main, the majority
kenma ni. door
ketsi ni. opinion, mind
kezhdi adj. small
khar ni. thing
kholdu na. word
khormatu na. book
khura na. cocoon

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