<!>Quote Thread (2014-11-30 23:54:20)
Quote Thread
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? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
<Cevv> http://www.amazon.com/Exorcists-Field-Guide-Consecrations-Banishment/dp/1448663903/
<Cevv> I want to get this book
<dhok> "By Pastor Swope"
<Anguipes> Having been in the field of Spiritual liberation for many years as an ordained clergyman, I looked forward with anticipation to this book's arrival to my home. After reading it, was sorely disappointed.
<Cevv> http://www.amazon.com/Rite-Exorcism-Schram/dp/1494376261/ <— this one has a better review:
<Cevv> "The authorative quide to survival in a demon-infested house. Next time I need it, it will come as a great comfort."
<Cevv> next time I need it!
<Cevv> Like how often does this guy get possessed by demons?
<dhok> well his house
<dhok> might get possessed a lot
<dhok> i mean that is a thing that happens in old houses
<dhok> mold starts growing
<dhok> you have to remove asbestos from the insulation
<dhok> pipes have to be replaced
<dhok> demons have to be exorcised
<dhok> etc.